Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Taco That Created 15,000 Jobs

This article outlines the job-boom following the introduction of the Doritos Locos Taco at Taco Bell restaurants.

Since the Dorito Taco's introduction, over 15,000 jobs have been added to Taco Bell's workforce. In the next ten years, Taco Bell hopes to add 2,000 new restaurants.

This article is a perfect example of the functions of American consumerism. With the introduction of one new product--one new food item--a company managed to expand its empire by 15,000 workers. With the Doritos Locos Taco in the pop-culture national spotlight, its popularity is set to grow even further. This article goes to show the prevalence, even today, of the American Dream. With a good idea, good publicity, and a bit of luck, success is within reach--even with Taco Bell's poor-grade meat.


  1. It is really impressive to see the impact a single product can have on an entire chain. I believe most of the success is due to exceptional marketing. They marketed this product as more of a snack than an actual meal and I believe it has caught on. When people are looking for a late night snake they opt for the inexpensive yet tasty taco. I don't believe taco bell has actually created a recipe for ongoing success but I do believe they can feed off this idea of marketing a single item and teaming up with other corporations such as frito-lay to produce an extremely marketable treat.

  2. The craze behind the Dorito Locos Taco is growing more and more especially with the recent release of the Cool Ranch Dorito Loco Taco. Agreeing with Matthew, Taco Bell does a great job advertising these tacos. These tacos are appealing to the customer because it is more of a snack not a an actual meal. Taco Bell did a great job of teaming up with Frito-Lay. There are many other opportunities available considering the wide variety of snacks Frito- Lay has. I believe this product will eventually cool off but right now it is all the buzz in the fast food world.

  3. The amount of hype created by this single taco item on the menu may cause other fast food chains to follow suit. If McDonald's, Wendy's or any other fast food joint were to team up with a snack company and also market their fast food items as smaller to hold you over until that next big American-sized meal.

    Although I will say that this sort of happens with desserts all of the time (mostly ice cream). Maybe moving this tag team being a non-sweet is just where this trend is headed.
