This is an interesting article about the househusband and housedad returning back to the labor force.
According to the article, the percentage of U.S. families with children under 18 and married parents featured an employed mother and a father who was either unemployed or not in the labor force keeps dropping for the fifth year in 2015 since the rising during 2007-09. The share of married-couple families with a working mom and a nonworking dad rose during the 2007-09 recession from 4.8% in 2005 and 2006 to 7.4% in 2009 and 2010. And last year, it went back to the long-run average, 5.3%.
Actually I have heard of the tendency that many men leave the labor force market back home during the recession time, around 2008. Actually it's good to see them gradually getting back to the labor force because it can be seen as a signal of economic recovery. Also, at the same time, as what we have talked about in class, I guess we probably can see the decrease of unemployment rate because more people get into the labor force.
What's more, I find the comments under the article is interesting which shows that many dad left the workforce is not only because the recession but also because they want to spend more time with family. This can be seen as a changing of social ideology.
Here's the link: