According to new survey studies by managment consulting firm McKinsey and Company, 82% of employees believe it is important for their company to have a purpose. There are many reports of people leaving their jobs unless they are to get more from the job, but not neccessarily in terms of a raise or more money. Business Insider report shows that companies who have "disengaged emplyoees could cost the economy upwards of 2 trillion dollars and are 18% less productive than those that are engaged (resulting in loss of one full workday of productivity). Other research states that 34% of employees would quit because of a toxic work environment and 48% would resign if a job "prevented them from enjoying their life.
Now more than ever employees are valuing their time and what their job has to offer to them in terms of fulfillment. People do want to work, its just a matter of feeling purpose and engagement at all times. Employers need to recognize that these expectations have changed and will continue to change with the time. Specifically, in order to have a positive impact, companies must upgrade work culture, honor a work/life balance, ask about personal purpose, and clarify their purpose consistently.