Monday, March 18, 2013

Increases in US Factory Outputs

This article outlines the considerable increase in the outputs produced by US factories in the past month of February.  It rose by .8% in the month of february after it fell by .3% in January.  This influx of outputs in the US has help create an estimated 14,000 in the last month while the industry has only added 39,000 jobs in the past three months.  The factories that creates cars and car parts are mostly responsible for the increase in outputs because their outputs rose by 3.6% this month while last month were down 4.9%.  Even though this increase in outputs was a positive, the inflation rose by its highest amount in 4 years mainly due to the increase in gas prices in the US.  The CPI increased .7% last month but .5% of the increase was due to food and energy which are very volatile.  These figures suggest only good things for the future of the US economy.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very positive outlook on the US economies progress towards growth and gives a good summary with what is happening in the 'macro-economic' department. However, the main talk lately in the US economy is the budget argument and I feel that how much is this progress is at the cost of the budget.
