Monday, March 18, 2013

Samsung unveils Galaxy S4 phone in New York
        The South Korean Giant Samsung has unveiled it's latest smart phone, Samsung's Galaxy S4 is the major rival to  Apple's iPhone which is currently the market leader in smartphones. Samsung has been emerging fast in the market as it continues to introduce new trends in smartphone technology. The newest  galaxy phone could be vital in Samsung's battle with Apple over the innovator spot in world market.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to see how both Apple and Samsung's market shares are affected by the release of the S4. In my opinion Samsung falls behind Apple in terms of how well the release of new products are marketed and built up. This is a key factor that contributes to Apple's success. Also, with the new Google Glass and rumors of a watch-like device by Apple, one cannot help but wonder if Samsung is going to try and come up with something completely different as well.
