Monday, March 18, 2013

Delaying of Hiring

This article explains how many companies and businesses today are extending the hiring process for potential employees. Vacancies of jobs are staying unfilled for much longer than they used to be. Today, on average, it is a length of 23 business days compared to 15 days on mid-2009. They think that the main problem is some kind of hiring paralysis, where they just can't decide whether to hire or who to hire. This results in candidates being brought into companies for interviews and interviews still waiting to hear about being hired. For example, one man got called back for six interviews.
Employers are putting candidates through a lot of trouble for getting a job, mostly because they want to hire someone with skills that are up to date. There are a lot of contributing factors to hiring employees, and the extended period of dragging on too long for the unemployed people who are awaiting to hear.

1 comment:

  1. These companies that do delay on the job recruiting process need to find a better formula to speed up their hiring positions. This causes great impatience and upsets the person looking for the job. If some of our economy is based on happiness well this is not helping towards that so in affect these companies are hurting our economy because they hiring process is too long.
