Saturday, November 4, 2017

What’s going on at Britain’s central bank?

It seems to be big news that Britain’s economy grew just 0.5% for its latest quarterly rate. I guess economic growth is all relative and this does show an improvement from economic growth of 0.4% for the previous quarter.  But it’s a very small jump.

This seemed to make the news more because that economy’s central bank (Bank of England) just raised the key interest rate in the past week. The Bank of England raised its key lending rate from 0.25% to 0.5%--also a very small hike. Although the Bank of England’s decision to the raise rate was not a surprise, it was big news in itself because this is the first time in about a decade that Britain’s key interest rate was raised. It seems that British policy makers are looking to this small jump in the economic growth rate as validating their decision to raise the key interest rate when they did. They are on the defensive from criticism that this decision to raise rates and tighten monetary policy was taken too early with Britain’s economy not doing as well as it could. They explained the decision to raise the rate as a response to signs that prices are starting to rise in Britain (so a way to fight inflation if it is starting to increase). But people in the know can tell that the real reason was to give the British economic policy makers some space to lower rates again if they have to—if the economic growth real does fall back sharply. This seems ironic to me and not good judgment in economic policy making – like playing games with an entire economy.

Britain has been having a more difficult time politically and economically than some other European countries since the British people voted last year to leave the European Union (Brexit vote). This has caused their currency, the pound to fall. It also caused business confidence to drop including because of the uncertainty about whether foreign firms would keep their main European offices in Britain and what this would do to England’s reputation as a major international financial center.

So now the British economy may at least be benefiting from the drop in the pound after the Brexit vote. This has made British exports relatively cheaper than the goods and services from the countries with currencies the pound has fallen in value against – including the euro. In fact, the data just in shows that Britain’s services sector in particular grew at a faster rate than the services sectors in the Eurozone countries.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

New head of federal reserve will not be an economist

Today President Trump named Jerome Powell as the new head of the Federal Reserve when Janet Yellen leaves soon -- in February next year. This was surprising in one way - Powell is not a trained economist with a PhD but rather a trained lawyer and he has been on the Federal Reserve board and has tended to agree with the decisions of Janet Yellen. So as  a result Powell is expected to continue gradually raising interest rates but is not expected to do anything really unsurprising in his new role. Since 2009, Yellen has raised interest rates four times and is expected to raise rates again in December. Trump has been known to criticize Janet Yellen for keeping monetary policy too loose in the past. The main concern many people have with having Powell as the new head of the Fed is that he will liberalize US financial market regulations too much. The dollar fell slightly after the announcement and the stock market didn't react too much to the news, which was no longer a surprise at the time of announcement. Market watchers will continue to play close attention to what Powell does in the new job: reports have indicated that this is a very difficult place for economic policymakers to be because the US must transition the economy to a "more normal monetary policy."

Tax Reform News

The tax reform bill has been revealed and it calls for some things to stay, minor changes, and major changes. Here is a summary of some important changes that will affect many people.

The new bill keeps 401(k) contributions although they debated slashing the allowed amount from $18,000 pretax to 2,400. Another highly debated deduction was State and Local Taxes (SALT), these will also be kept, although they are getting rid of the sales tax deduction. Corporate Tax rate will be lowered from 35 to 20%. The last major change is the number of tax brackets, from 7 to 3-4.

There is talk of getting rid of the personal/dependency exemption of $4,050 and increasing the standard exemption (thought to be doubled).

Those are just some of the changes discussed in the Fox article. But the affects are what people are worried about. Getting rid of certain deductions will increase taxable income, and the goal is that the increased standard deduction will cover that. The 3-4 tax brackets are supposed to put more money in households pockets and allow them to consume maybe a fraction more and help stimulate the economy. Lastly, decreasing the corporate tax rate will hopefully bring more business to the United States. Companies may be more likely to do more business in the US since their tax liability would decrease, which could offset the decrease in tax rate.

It seems to be that the overall plan is to increase money into taxpayers and companies pockets, maybe to focus on economic growth, which could bring inflation. This proposed plan could be altered even more, so we will see what the effects will be. Considering the talk of tax reform has been prevalent since the primaries.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Why is the Canadian economy’s growth slowing lately?

In late October, Canadians were surprised to learn the news that their economy shrunk last month by 0.1% according to national data. This mining, quarrying and oil and gas sector and manufacturing slipped back by around 1%. This was tied to lower prices of these goods dropped. This came after ten months of economic growth in Canada, surprising Canadians who expected the economic recovery to continue. This announcement of a growth slowdown or even contraction possibly continuing caused the Canadian dollar to fall in value by 0.6% against the US dollar. But because the economy grew strongly in the first half of the year, many economists predict that growth for the year will still reach 3%.  The growth that Canada enjoyed in the first half of the year was considered due partly to rising international trade revenues. Since May however, Canada’s exports have been decreasing.

In addition, higher government spending including on an enhanced child benefit--which is a tax-free monthly payment by the government to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children – helped stimulate consumption growth. A future risk that looms on the horizon for Canada however is that the North American Free Trade Agreement will be cancelled by the US under Trump.

US Consumer Spending Posts Largest Gain since 2009

Consumer spending in the United States accounts for over 2/3 of all economic activity in our country and we just recorded our biggest increase in over 8 years, with a jump of 1.0%. This in crease is largely due households in Texas and Florida, where they are dealing with the aftermath of two hurricanes, replacing flood-damaged vehicles. This was the largest increase since August 2009.

            This consumption was offset by a rise in inventory investment, business spending on equipment and a increase in our trade balance due to a drop in imports. This caused the economy to grow at a 3.0% rate in the third quarter which is a 0.1% decrease compared to the second quarter. The Commerce Department contributes this to the effects of Hurricane Harvey and Irma but said it “could not quantify the total impact of the storms on consumer spending and personal income.”

            It is also worth noting that during this period where consumption has increased at an 8 year high, personal income also increased by 0.4%.

Drone vs. Shark

Australia’s waters are home to some dangerous creatures: jellyfish, salt-water crocodiles, and Great White sharks.  “Unprovoked” shark attacks more than doubled between 1990-2000 and 2005-2015, to 15.  However, one company in Western Australia has a futuristic solution: a drone. 
Shark Alert International will try equipping a helicopter and a drone with military-grade cameras that can “x-ray” the water and then send alerts to lifeguards and even surfers’ watches.  The technology was originally designed to help America detect a different foe: Russian submarines.  The drone will see deep into the water by taking images at several different frequencies every second.  Tests in California found that it could spot dummy sharks 15 feet beneath the surface with total accuracy, but could work at twice that depth in Perth’s sandy seas.
Helicopters and low-flying planes have long patrolled popular beaches, but human spotters are expensive and often ineffectual since not all sharks swim near the surface.  In addition, choppy waters and bright reflections make sharks difficult to spot when they do.  Drones can hover over beaches constantly, have already been tested in some parts of the country, and are even cheaper.  This summer the drones will feed live videos through a system that is taught how to differentiate sharks from surfers and boats with far greater accuracy than the human eye.  Messages can then be relayed to lifeguards and emergency services, while megaphones attached to the drones blast out warnings when a dangerous species is spotted.  I think it will be interesting to see how the drones can impact the number of tourists that come to the beaches to swim or surf.  In addition, I am curious to see if shark tour companies will use this product to quickly find sharks, and possibly raise prices if they can show off many different sharks on each tour.

Monday, October 30, 2017

JP Morgan developing blockchain payment system


With the recent news of JP Morgan's new Interbank Information Network, supported by Quorum, JP Morgan Chase becomes the first US bank to integrate the use of blockchain technology in payment methods. Under a time of high scrutiny from bank executives, including JP Morgan's own CEO, Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan has started the forefront of a new world of the way think of electronic payments.

The blockchain is a technology developed by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. Blockchain involves a payment method that relies on proof-of-transaction that is satisfied within the blockchain. Each payment must be verified under each block, creating a public, and open thread in which all transactions may be seen and traced. This new technology has been heralded by some to be the greatest innovation since the airplane. Many foreign banks have already hopped on the blockchain train, including the Royal Bank of Canada and the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group.

With the lead of JP Morgan, hopefully many more US banks will join in on this new, innovative way or peer-to-peer electronic payments. In a time of leading innovation across the board, banks are one area that have seen a lack of innovation in recent years. For those who think our financial systems must be updated, this is a great step forward.
Tech giants Amazon and Google's parent Alphabet have posted a surge in sales over the last three months. Shares in Alphabet jumped above $1,000 in after-hours trading after the company reported sales up 24% to $27.8bn. Amazon, the world's biggest e-commerce site, saw sales rise 34% to $43.7bn - nearly the size of Slovenia's economy last year. Meanwhile, Microsoft's profit beat estimates on gains from cloud services. Alphabet's profits for the three months to 30 September rose to $7.8bn, from $5.6bn for the same quarter last year. Analysis: Tech results bring sweet Valley highs The company's chief financial officer, Ruth Porat, said the firm was delighted with the way it was performing. "We had a terrific quarter, with revenues up 24% year on year, reflecting strength across Google and Other Bets," she said. "Our momentum is a result of investments over many years in fantastic people, products and partnerships." Google continues to make up the vast majority of Alphabet's revenue and income. However the so-called Other Bets unit, which includes the Waymo driverless car business and the Project Loon WiFi-enabled weather balloon venture, saw revenue increase and losses fall. Total Other Bets revenue was up to $302m, from $197m last year. YouTube continued to see "phenomenal growth", said Google chief executive Sundar Pichai in a conference call, with more than 1.5 billion people spending an average of an hour a day watching videos there on mobile devices, and surging use on television screens in homes. Amazon Despite Amazon's sales growth, the firm's profits were nearly flat as it ploughed money into tech gadgets, streaming video, data centres and warehouses to support its growing empire. The firm said profits in the three months to the end of September were $256m, up from $252m in 2016. Shares surged in after-hours trade anyway, as investors, who had been expecting a smaller number after being warned to expect the reinvestment, cheered the firm's growth prospects. Chief executive Jeff Bezos said the Amazon sales increase was in part down to the growing demand for the firm's smart home products, which are powered by artificially intelligent assistant, Alexa. "In the last month alone, we've launched five new Alexa-enabled devices, introduced Alexa in India, announced integration with BMW, surpassed 25,000 skills, integrated Alexa with Sonos speakers, taught Alexa to distinguish between two voices, and more," Mr Bezos said. Upmarket grocer Whole Foods, which Amazon acquired in August, brought in $1.3bn in sales in the quarter. Excluding Whole Foods, sales increased 29%, Amazon said. Sales were up 35% overall in North America, which accounts for the bulk of Amazon's business. They increased 29% in its international division thanks in part to a Prime Day surge, but the unit is still running at an operating loss. The firm also said it now has nearly 542,000 full and part-time staff, including workers from Whole Foods. It continues to look at ways to expand its physical stores as well. Microsoft Microsoft said it earned revenue of $24.5bn in the three months to end-September, up 12% year-on-year. The firm's profits were $6.6bn, rising 16%. Microsoft shares rose 3.1% after-hours to a record $81.2. Microsoft said growth was driven in part by its cloud computing products, which it has focused on in a bid to be less reliant on computer sales and older software. Amy Hood, executive vice-president and chief financial officer at Microsoft, called it a "strong start" to the year. The firm reported $6.9bn in revenue from its intelligent cloud unit, up 14% year-on-year. Its productivity and business processes division, which includes sales from Office 365, reported $8.2bn in revenue, up 28%. A fourth tech company, Intel, also posted a jump in revenues and profit. The world's largest computer chip maker said revenue rose 2% during the quarter to $16.1bn, with net income up 34% to $4.52bn.

US weekly jobless claims total 233,000, vs 235,000 claims expected

US weekly jobless claims total 233,000, vs 235,000 claims expected

The number of American citizens who filed for unemployment benefits increased less than what was expected last week, which suggests that the labor market continued to tighten after Hurricane Harvey. The goods trade deficit also widened in September as an increase in exports was overshadowed by a jump in imports. The strength of the labor market, however, supports the view that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates come December. The Labor Department recently made initial claims that state unemployment benefits would increase by 10,000 to a total of 233,000 claims. The number of claims fell, however, to 223,000, which is the lowest level since March of 1973. The fact that despite the multiple hurricanes the number of claims made for unemployment benefits has lowered demonstrates the good standing of the current unemployment rate and economy as a whole. The impact of both Harvey and Irma has largely dropped out as the cause behind many of these claims in the continental United States, however, as the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico continue to be damaged by Irma and Maria, the infrastructure will continue to collapse and keep the islands isolated from the remainder of the country. 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Health Care Will Drive Jobs Growth in the Coming Decade

Health care will add more jobs than any other sector in coming decade, while manufacturing industries are projected to shed the greatest number of positions. Health-related jobs in areas such as home health care and hospitals will grow by about 3.7 million jobs by 2026, according to a report released Tuesday by the Labor Department. Jobs related to manufacturing will decline by almost half a million. America’s aging population has driven the health care field’s growth for years. Retiring baby boomers and a proliferation of preventable chronic diseases such as diabetes and lung disease has required more assisted living and medical facilities, and consequently, more medical personnel to staff them.Health care spending reached $3.2 trillion in 2015, almost 18% of gross domestic product that year, which has more than tripled since 1960, when spending on health care was just 5% of GDP. Other swiftly-growing industries could include food and drink businesses, construction and vehicle parts sellers, while travel booking services, the postal service, and most of all, manufacturing, will likely experience the largest jobs declines. The expanding use of cheaper labor in developing countries like India and China and the widespread use of automation in U.S. production has decimated the manufacturing industry. Each recession since 1979 has wiped out a substantial number of manufacturing jobs, many of which never returned, erasing about 8 million jobs in almost four decades. More than half of the fastest-growing occupations require some level of postsecondary education, the report found. To be sure, the Labor Department’s previous projections have been a mixed bag. It previously, and correctly, predicted services sector jobs would grow rapidly, but greatly underestimated how many jobs the manufacturing industry would lose.I think this is a good example in change in people's taste in demand.

Expelling Immigrant Workers May Also Send Away The Work They Do

Trump's administration has thrived over the idea of expelling immigrants. Trump claims to be hiring 10,000 immigrant enforcement agents to crack down on the illegals. But studies show that the farming industry would be greatly effected. Because most farmers aren't willingly to pay more or will they better working conditions, thus it doesn't attract the American worker. Studies show that most of famers workers are illegal immigrants and by taking them away it would only cause farmers to stop going fruits and vegetables. They would find things that are easier to harvest and that require less workers. Studies also show that the effect of illegal immigrants doesn't really harm the chances of the under educated American worker. But what we don't know is the effect it will have on the economy if we loose all the immigrants who are willing to work for a lot less and are willing to do jobs most Americans won't. The one study found that during Obama's term when he focused on immigrants; the areas like Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia where the most immigrants were expelled from. The American born worker ended up to be the one that suffered the most. Loosing the immigrants, made farms loose their production and they couldn't find a way to maintain the production they once had. Farms had to shut down because they weren't reaching profitable output.

Because Trump is cracking down on immigrants there has been less immigrants to cross the border than what he is saying. If Trump keeps moving in this direction of immigration then we will suffer the most in the agricultural industry the most, but many other industries as well. Trump is pushing in such a way that over 1 million people could be deported or loose their temporary citizenship overnight. Then, our economy would truly suffer.

Hyperloop will be here in 2020 and the impact will be huge

Hyperloop will be here in 2020 and the impact will be huge

It was announced that Columbus would be one of the cities being considered for the hyperloop. The hyperloop would connect Chicago, Pittsburgh and Columbus, allowing people to travel from Columbus to Chicago in under an hour. The company believes that it will be fully operational in 2020 and will have many impacts.

One impact of the hyperloop is that it'll create more jobs in the Columbus, Chicago and Pittsburgh areas and maybe some other cities along the way. Another impact is that it could make people more productive. If people are having a shorter commute, then people will have more time which would allow people to be more productive than before. It will also increase the amount of time it takes to ship things. If more people are shipping things this way, it could decrease the amount of traffic due to trucks.

Even with all of the impacts, I don't think Columbus is the best place for the hyperloop. I think it would work better in a city that is more populated and has or uses public transportation. In Columbus we don't have subways or trains that people are using on a daily basis.

Get ready for a substantial slowdown in the US economy, investment bank predicts

French investment bank Natixis is urging investors to prepare for the U.S. economy to slow down substantially. There is a limit to the rise in the participation rate and the employment rate and real wages are slowing down. Consequences of this slowdown will include a brief rise in interest rates, a market sell-off and a depreciating dollar. This one French thinks things will drastically decrease  while more mainstream Wall Street banks are not nearly as pessimistic. The Wall Street banks predict a positive 2.5% change in the GDP in the third quarter year over year. Also American optimism about the economy just recently hit an all time high.

The speculation of the French Bank means many things. If real wages go down then people have less buying power and things cost more in the United States. A depreciating dollar means imports costs more so the United States will export more to make up for this difference. Other countries will want to buy our goods if they are cheaper so GDP could go up even with a depreciating dollar. If interest rates rise people won't want to invest in companies and will hold their money. If people are worried about the economy slowing down and hold their money then the economy will slow down. If the market expects negative things they will self fulfill it and the market will go down. So it is good to see that people think the economy is at an all time high. With positive outlook by both big banks and the American people the economy might continue to rise. The remarks by this French Bank mean very little in comparison to the positive outlook of the American people.

Amazon to expand into Pharmaceutical industry

Amazon has been slowly expanding into the pharmaceutical industry, which could mean many things for the industry. Currently the industry is worth 412 billion dollars annually and this could change the way we look at medicine, imagine if you could just be shipped your prescription, if you didn't have to leave your house. It would effectively eliminate Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, etc.. from the market of pharmaceuticals. The biggest challenges facing Amazon are Government regulation and Health Insurance. In many states prescriptions are heavily regulated, so shipping around the country could be very difficult with different regulations in each state, it could easily drive production prices way up. Then the issues with healthcare is that many people pay for prescriptions via health insurance, the entire Amazon model is based around consumers paying for ti whole, upfront. How does Amazon combat these issues? Do you think that Amazon could drive prices down or have little to no affect?

South Africa faces slow growth due to lack of business investment

As proof that an economy’s currency exchange rate can react strongly to economic news from government officials, South Africa’s currency plunged sharply this week when the government’s finance minister described the economy as “moribund”—stating that it was not growing enough. The government gave a forecast this week that South Africa’s GDP would increase just 0.7% this year compared with the 1.3% percent forecast made in the national budget plan in in February. One major reason the economic growth rate is so slow in South Africa, according to economic news reports, is that investment has not been strong enough. [C + I + G + X – M = GDP]

And investment by businesses is low because businesses are worried about political instability in the country. The country’s president, Zuma, has been involved in many political corruption scandals including an accusation that he stood by as large amounts of money were taken from state owned companies. These development have contributed to businesses losing confidence in the future of the economy. Making matters worse, the slower growth rate of the economy is expected to increase the budget deficit, now expected to rise to 4.3% up from just over 3%.

$500bn special zone unveiled

Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, deputy premier, minister of defense and chairman of the Public Investment Fund (PIF), announced on Tuesday a $500 billion plan to create the world's first independent special zone stretching over three countries. The 26,500 square km (10,230 square mile) special zone, known as NEOM, is located in the northwestern region of Saudi Arabia and is set to include territory from within the Egyptian and Jordanian borders.

NEOM will focus on industries including energy and water, biotechnology, food, advanced manufacturing and entertainment, the Crown Prince said. NEOM will be independent of Saudi regulation and will adopt a separate regulatory framework, said the announcement on the sidelines of the Future Investment Initiative.

Klaus Kleinfeld, the former chairman of Alcoa and Arconic and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was appointed NEOM's first CEO. 

Adjacent to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba and near maritime trade routes that use the Suez Canal, the zone will power itself solely with wind power and solar energy. NEOM is situated on one of the world's most prominent economic arteries ... Its strategic location will also facilitate the zone's rapid emergence as a global hub that connects Asia, Europe and Africa, enabling 70 percent of the world's population to reach it within eight hours, said the announcement. NEOM's land mass will extend across the Egyptian and Jordanian borders, rendering NEOM the first private zone to span three countries.

Investments and financing will play a vital role in NEOM, set to be spearheaded by the Kingdom's economy and supported by PIF, a major global fund with access to a worldwide network of investors and major companies set to be brought on board to drive the success of NEOM. NEOM is set to attract new foreign direct investment that will contribute to PIF's long-term growth strategy aimed at strengthening the Saudi Arabian economy.

All services and processes in NEOM will be 100% fully automated, with the goal of becoming the most efficient destination in the world, and in turn be implemented on all activities such as legal, government, and investment procedures among others. Additionally, NEOM will be subject to the highest sustainability standards, and will provide all transactions, procedures, and claims through paperless and electronic means. Repetitive and arduous tasks will be fully automated and handled by robots, which may exceed the population, likely making the NEOM's GDP per capita the highest in the world. A new concept for the workforce will be implemented, based on attracting high-caliber human resources with unique competencies for full-time innovation, decision making and business leadership.

NEOM is born from the ambition of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 to see the country develop into a pioneering and thriving model of excellence in various and important areas of life. It aims to drive the transformation of the Kingdom into a leading global hub through the introduction of value chains of industry and technology. NEOM will be constructed from the ground-up, on greenfield sites, allowing it a unique opportunity to be distinguished from all other places that have been developed and constructed over hundreds of years and we will use this opportunity to build a new way of life with excellent economic prospects the Crown Prince said.$500bn-special-zone-unveiled

Saudi Arabia mulls more fiscal expansion in 2018 to spur economy

One of the biggest oil-producing country, Saudi Arabia is putting effort to expand their economy other than oil.

Saudi Arabia plans to increase their fiscal expansion even more than the amount they had planned for 2018. The non-oil industries were having very sluggish growth rates and the government wanted them to expand. The government is trying to support the businesses because they are necessary for Saudi Arabia to reduce the budget deficit due to oil price declines the past several years. They also want to be more free from being too dependent on selling oil, because the fluctuation of its price is high.
I think this is a very positive movement for change from Saudi Arabia. It is very risky to be dependent on only one item to trade with other countries, because if its price decreases, or if the supply cannot be maintained, (as it will in the future for oils) etc., it will definitely stagger the country drastically. It would be wise to have a plan B, and Saudi Arabia already is on it. I am interested to see how the transition of Saudi Arabia's economy will affect the energy industry and, furthermore, the entire world market.

Puerto Rico’s Governor Calls for Whitefish Energy Contract to Be Canceled

It has been more than a month that have been struck by Hurricane Maria and are still suffering as most of the islands remain without power and many residents are not happy about the progress. Puerto Rico Governor awarded a small company from Montana (Whitefish) to come in and help rebuild the islands electrical infrastructure however, today ‘Governor Rossello said he was asking the board of the island’s power authority to immediately cancel its contract with Whitefish. Many critics have raised question on why they did not request aid from the mainland instead of paying $300 million to rebuild. “After natural disasters, power companies on the mainland often get help from other companies under mutual-aid agreement”.