I found this article very interesting because it is an ‘interesting’ twist to consider an Internet and media controlling policy as a trade barrier.
First, China is trying to transform from a low-end manufacturing economy into a technology-based economy. The main purposes for these policies is: 1. to help those start-ups to have a fair starting point in comparison to some of the foreign competitors. 2. regulate the online free but illegal download of books and movies. It’s extra interesting because people love to accuse the Chinese government for not enforcing copyright laws, but when they try to do something, it became a trade barrier.
Second, each country has its own social norms about what is appropriate to show the public. There are tons of American made movies and dramas are show to the public in China. It is not like the government refused any sort of incoming ‘ideology’.
The bottom line is that media should keep a neutral attitude toward news, leave the judgment part to the readers.