Sunday, March 17, 2013

Housing up, layoffs down: Economy better?

Growth in early 2013 picks up, but staying power in question 

Economists polled by Market Watch project growth will rise to 2.3% in the first quarter from a miserly 0.1% in the last three months of 2012. The first-quarter uptick, however, won’t be strong enough to persuade the Federal Reserve to unwind its massive bond-buying program aimed at lowering interest rates to boost the economy. The Fed is not expected to alter its strategy when top policy makers meet this week in Washington. 
One can see why the Fed is skeptical, in both 2011 and 2012 the economy showed signs of picking up, only to lull by midyear. It will take more positive signs of expansion, especially business investment and hiring, to ease worries about another midyear dip. 
In contrast to the 2011 and 2012 increases, both housing and hiring markets have seen a substantial increase. Hopefully this will lead to a resurgence in the US economy.



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