Immigrants Benefit U.S. Economy Now as Ever.
Although the
U.S does not have
jobs for unskilled immigrants, the author points out Mexican immigrants
progressing in education even faster than earlier generations. Many economists
are doubt if the immigrants make the U.S economy better and there is jobs
for immigrants, even though the labor unemployment is historically high.
However, statistically speaking, immigrant’s children gets a better education
and better work than their parents and grandparents. The problem about
immigrant workers is always that they are low skilled worker. If they were high
skilled worker, they can certainly contribute the U.S economy and nobody
complains about them. Now, Japanese government thinks about admitting more
immigrants from the other Asian countries such as China, Thailand, and
Philippine because Japanese population is decreasing, meaning the worker is
also decreased. In short term, they can fulfill the labor market of Japan, but
I wonder if it makes Japanese worker difficult to get a job in long term. As
the article says, limiting the ability for immigrants is very important for the
economy. Nowadays, Big immigrants countries are suffer from immigrants
themselves so, Japan have to learn about the case of U.S, meaning it is risky to admit many low skilled worker
from foreign countries.