Monday, March 18, 2013

Obama nominates Tom Perez as secretary of labor

Today President Obama nominated Tom Perez as Secretary of Labor. As the secretary of labor Perez will be working on key issues that have been topics of discussion for a long time, immigration reforms and raising the minimum wage. Being the son of immigrants some republicans in congress are hesitant to confirm his nomination in fear that he will loosen the reigns on immigration laws and allow the country's 11 million illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship. Obama has also proposed a increase in minimum wage that the labor department has been promoting and Perez will be spearheading if his nomination goes is accepted. 


  1. We need a different look with in the government because there is always something that needs to be changed. If everyone had the same opinion about everything then nothing will get done; we need new ideas and thoughts about our government and I think by President Obama nominating Tom Perez is just what we need.

  2. I feel this nomination of Tom Perez can possibly be a positive one for our country as I feel we need to do something productive with the current illegal immigrants in our nation. Our nation was built on immigrants and I do not feel we should just get rid of them completely. I hope Perez along with Washington in general are able to come up with policies that can somehow allow these illegal immigrants to become apart of our nation in a positive way and ultimately contribute in helping build our economy back up to where it should be.
