Sales of Halloween costumes and decorations have been stronger than what was expected with the pandemic. People are seeing this day as the last day for the kids to have fun outdoors before winter hits. “While Mr. Berman, like many other business owners, has welcomed the volume of Halloween sales given the uncertainty of the moment, he noted that before the pandemic, 2020 was poised to be a bonanza for the holiday and party industry.” Some business owners are saying people are dressing up and decorating the house much more leading to more sales than ever before in the history of their stores. “The National Retail Federation, an industry group, expected Halloween consumer spending to hit about $8 billion this year, a decline from $8.8 billion last year, as a result of fewer Halloween parties and haunted house visits and less trick-or-treating. But enthusiasm around costumes and decorations has persisted.” Halloween sales are higher than anyone could have ever expected, but It is nice to see strong sales considering this crazy year for retailers.
Do you think that Halloween fun will get too chaotic and we will see a rapid increase in cases to come? Do you think a significant increase in cases will lead to a shutdown like in France? Increased sales will help our economy now, but do you see it coming back on us with a shutdown?
Maheshwari, Sapna, and Gillian Friedman. “Get Your Hand Sanitizer Costume. Halloween Is Still Happening.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Oct. 2020,