Monday, March 18, 2013

Games industry employment increases in UK

This article talks about an increase in the employment levels in the UK Games industry. A report released by the video game industry trade association Tiga found that both investment and employment have gone up in this particular industry. This increase in employment has come after a three year decline period in staff numbers. It was also found that the gaming industry contributed £947 million to UK's GDP for 2012.

An increase in the number of studios and creative staff was seen from the previous year and this has also lead to an investment of £ 427 million in games. There are three main factors which contributed to this rise . The first being the increase in sales of mobile and tablet devices which have created a demand for games and also for the gaming market. The second being the closure of big console based studious which was followed by a rise in small start up companies. The last one being the games tax relief initiative .


  1. Though there has been a huge rise in Start ups and video game production just because with the iOS and Android interfaces one does not really need a large set up to manually build a game for these interfaces, there are more and more people making games for such companies. Especially young people, even college students.

    However, since the boom of iPhone, tablets and other gadgets alike, there his been a sharp decline in revenue for Sony and Microsoft in terms of Playstation and Xbox sales.

    Is the world really moving on from gaming consoles? Is mobile gaming really beating gaming consoles now?

  2. While mobile gaming is gaining popularity, consoles are making efforts to integrate several forms of entertainment into one place. Movies and sporting events are popularly viewed on Xbox consoles and there may just be a boost in the market for these since the PS4 is being released soon (after which I am sure the new Xbox will arrive). It will be interesting to see how the market responds.
