Monday, March 18, 2013

Record order of 234 Airbus Planes

An Indonesian Airline known as Lion Air has made a record order of 234 Airbus planes for the aircraft producer Airbus. All the planes will be produced in France and will create 5000 jobs. France currently is facing 10% unemployment and this order by Lion Air will definitely help add jobs. Lion beat its own record order from the year before for 230 planes this year and by the time all these planes re delivered, it will be among the top 10 airlines in terms of number of aircrafts. Indonesian air traffic is expected to grow by about 20% while the economy is growing at 6%.

The UK has also invested £2bn in it's airspace industry, which currently employs over 230,000 people and supports 3000 companies. 


  1. Not only is this order a new record, I think it is also a glimpse of hope for the French as well as Indonesians. The creation of 5,000 jobs will hopefully spark their economy and lead to more opportunities in the long run for the country. I didn't realize how big of a deal the airline industry can be and what kind of a difference it can make in an economy. The UK's investment shows a continuing strength in employment and job security for the 3,000 companies supported through the governments efforts.

  2. I am shocked by how much influence the airline industry can have on an economy and I am glad to hear expected growths are as high as expected. I believe this work extremely well for both parties involved and will ultimately lead to numerous jobs and a much improved economy for both France and the Indonesians. I also agree that this will lead to a spark in the long run of the economy of France and help them dramatically.
