Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The lucrative business of cigarette smuggling


Obama's increasingly high taxes on cigarettes is making the business of smuggling them illegally between state lines even more lucrative. If one were to smuggle a truckload of cigarettes (thats 800 cases, each holding 600 packs of cigarettes) then that person could make up to $1,944,000. The profit margin is to be made in the disproportional price differences between states such as Virginia that have low cigarette taxes/prices and states like New York that have high Cigarette taxes/prices. In 2011, more than 60% of all cigarettes sold in New York were smuggled illegally. It't not just New York either; there are 15 other states where that percentage tops 20%.


  1. This is a common occurrence and hard to tackle. I think rather than more law-enforcement, perhaps an equal cigarette tax in all states would be more successful and easier to implement. And perhaps the tax revenue may also increase as a result.

  2. Alright arbitrage. It is illegal, yes, but what is the downside? Probably a fine upwards of $100k on a shipment such as that you have listed. So after that, you still have $1.8M, maybe a bit less, but still not a whole lot of downside. With that said, I am not surprised at that statistic at all for New York.
