Sunday, April 14, 2013

Firms enjoy the Drug War?

This is an interesting article giving a view point that I had not really thought of. In my mind the black market and the actual market were two separate entities, but after reading this article perhaps they are more intertwined than I had thought. In the article they claim that corporate entities get a portion of the money from  the anti-drug programs, so they are basically saying that even the drug war is a root of capitalism for these firms.


  1. It is interesting to see the benefits of Drug Wars for the entities like prisons and police forces. With that said I do not think that corporate entities can be blamed for advocating for Drug Wars or other illegal activities.

  2. I agree. I don't think corporate entities should be blamed for advocating for drug wars or any of these other illegal activities. Drugs are a way of life - they don't exists simply because of corporate presence.

  3. I also agree that corporate entities should not be blamed. This is how companies work in capitalism. They exploit everything to get profits. This is probably just one of many examples of how firms exploit illegal activities.

  4. I agree as well. This is something I had never really thought of but it is an interesting topic to be looked at and discussed as certain facts should be looked at.
