Sunday, April 14, 2013

As the economy continues to recover a recent slow down had been occurring.  Last quarter the U.S grew by 3%, the upcoming quarters are expected a growth of half that.  Jobs are growing at a slower rate then the previous 200,000 a month.  Consumer spending has also been low compared to previous months.  Despite of the economic problems occurring the stock market is continuing to rise.  All signs should point to a decline in the stock market but contrary to estimation it is steadily growing.  The biggest American companies will likely continue to produce good times.  There is no telling exactly which way the economy will continue to move, only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Our country is trying to grow apples and oranges instead of focusing on one or the other. Even the growth rate has showed that the recession is over there is still a recession in consumer confidence and employment. For this to work the government would have to cut taxes or increase spending. The only problem is that they want to cut the deficit and you have to taxes or cut spending. I believe that the deficit will win out and we will continue to see poor growth in employment.
