Monday, April 15, 2013

Jackie Robinson And The Bad Economics Of Baseball Movies

This topic interested me as I am a baseball player and I went to see 42 and thought it was a great movie. Baseball being a slowly declining sport should be seen as America's Pastime. A story like in 42 should show how far America has come and the numbers may not have been too high but it should be a well known movie as it has a great story line and teaches a great story of American history and the American Dream.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the article that Baseball is not a popular sport overseas and might not gain enough revenue to justify it but it is a great movie and has been doing good so far within America ($40 million opening weekend - a record for a baseball movie). Also baseball is huge in Japan so that might give it some revenue. If we combine this with dvd sales, it just might make the $100 million required for breakeven. But then again, who knows.
