Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spanish semi-final tickets twice the price of German ones

If you are interested in soccer and Champions League, you probably know that both semi finals involve one German team and one Spanish team. We all know that Germany is the strongest economy in the Eurozone, and Spain is one of the weaker ones. The cheapest ticket for Barca - Munich in Barcelona is for 91 Euros and the most expensive one is for 360 Euros, while in Munich leg prices range from 45 euros to 150 euros.

Tickets for the Real Madrid - Dortmund clash are similar, with prices ranging from 70 euros to 325 euros in Madrid and from 45 euros to 170 euros in Dortmund.

I am sure these differences in prices are to do with the on going crisis in Spain.


  1. It is interesting to see how prices are different in both the country's and how the economic crisis effects tickets prices.

  2. The football industry has become one of the largest in Europe and speculations of the fluctuating European economy's effects on it have been present for quite a while. It is definitely fascinating to see the disparity between the two countries and it really highlights the strength of the German economy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is a good observation but I think it is also important to account for the location. There are certain trends in world soccer that are not explained by the economics. Club teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid will charge higher prices for the games that are happening on the home turf. They are able to do so mainly because of rich history and outstanding performance over the last 10 years.

  5. I was going to bring that up but Bayern Munich is up there with them
