Monday, April 15, 2013

A Water Crisis Threatens Ghana's Economic Growth

Ghana is a country with a lot of economic potential, with a very large workforce among other things. However the water situation in the country is greatly holding them back. Many places do not have access to water, and when they do it is often unreliable. The main supplier of water in the country is from a organization called Ghana water. Recently they have been plagued with faulty equipment, which has caused even more shortages. Many companies must buy water from outside places and get it shipped in by the truckload. To do so, companies are often paying eleven times more than they would if they bought there Ghana Water. Currently there is not solution in sight for this major problem, but until something is done, Ghana will not be able to produce at their potential. (Level of technology too low.)


  1. This is another example of just how rudimentary and under developed Africa is. To even start to contemplate grand complex development, we must first tackle the fundamental issues like the difficulty in proving citizens with a basic human right like water. It is sad and disappointing that this is even a discussion we are still having in 2013.

  2. The fact that we have countries like this in this day in age is very sad to see we all live in the pleasures of western culture when these people cannot even have the basic needs of life. We need to look into helping these people not because it benefits us but for the sheer moral code
