Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013, 12:08 a.m. EDT

China economic data disappoint, slamming stocks

Chinese economic data released Monday, including first-quarter growth, came in weaker than expected, sending stocks lower across Asia, even as some analysts predicted a better numbers ahead. Gross domestic product for the January-March quarter rose 7.7% from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said, weakening from 7.9% growth in the fourth quarter, and missing projections for 8% growth in separate surveys from Dow Jones Newswires and Reuters. 

March retail sales rose 12.6%, improving from 12.3% year-on-year growth in the January-February period, but far less than the 15.2% gain in December. Results for urban fixed-asset investment (FAI) — a gauge of construction and infrastructure spending also showed slower growth. Reported on a year-to-date basis, FAI rose 20.9% in January-March from the comparable year-earlier period, down from 21.2% in January-February alone. Still, for all of 2012, FAI gained 20.6%, suggesting an uptick in recent construction activity.

1 comment:

  1. They do have a positive outlook with regard to construction activity, which is what the UK seems to be a little concerned about at the same time, showing disparity levels between nations. Despite the rise in fixed-asset investment, as well as the increase in GDP, in general the economy has experienced some weakening in strength which reflects the uncertainty in the worldwide recovery from the financial crisis.
