Friday, February 1, 2013

U.S. can afford $500 billion in (smart) defense cuts -- opinion

There has been a lot of talk about government spending, one of the areas of government spending that has been criticized for spending too much is the defense budget. This article argues that cuts to defense spending can be good if they are done in an appropriate fashion. The original idea of starting the 50 billion dollar a year cuts in march would be damaging because the fiscal year would be almost half way done so the cuts would be to drastic and could damage the military. Overall, the idea of 50  billion dollars a year for 10 years is a good idea but should be phased in. Even with the cuts, the defense spending would still be at the same level it was in 2006 at the height of the war in Iraq. The cuts would only represent a 7% decrease in the defense budget, which is still the larger than the next 14 countries combined. If these cuts are applied in a smart way then the cuts could even benefit national security and decrease the budget deficit.  

1 comment:

  1. We do spend more than 14 countries combined in military defenses so why do we have to be spending that much? I totally agree with you about cutting our expenses diligently and effectively. Cutting it off by a couple of percents in our spending is beneficial because that money that is not necessarily need in the defense could go some where else that is need for instance in creating jobs. It it not easy but the government can pull it off.
