Sunday, January 27, 2013

Investment in Dell

Dell has been on the top of the pc world by beating IBM at taking cost out of the supply chain.  They are well known for their service and quality of work but if they were a private company they would be doing better off.  One of the reasons that they are so successful their partners are Silver Lake. 
Microsoft bought Silver Lake off in doing so by analyzing Silver Lakes strategic business movements on how they created Skype this will help them shape Dell.  Microsoft wants to partner up with Dell this will help them and also help Dell.  If they work with Dell, Dell will be helped to turn their company into a service private company will “also create other opportunities for Microsoft in the cloud, big data and virtualization.” With the help of Microsoft “if Dell is successful building up a solutions business in the enterprise space, guess what company would likely be the best buyer?” “Microsoft.”  This is great for both sides since they both benefit from the help or one another; growing business and jobs for both of the companies.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Dell would be a good buy now. Plus with rumors of large amounts of Dell's equity being sold off, that acquisition would make it a great buy, and making the short sell trade in favor of the buying company.
