Sunday, January 27, 2013

Privatizing India's public transportation


This article talks about a grim situation in India in which most of their public transportation is losing money quickly while public transportation owned by the private sector is still doing fine. It starts off by talking about how Delhi’s new train link that connects Delhi to its airport has been shut down for quite some time now due to engineering faults that have yet to be fixed. Also starting to fail is one of India’s newest and biggest power plants, the reason being that the cost of coal has been soaring as of lately. Some have been comparing it to the 19th century railways boom in America where investors were enticed by the promise of incredible returns on their investments, but later received almost nothing. Between the years of 2007 and 2012, $225 billion was invested by private sector investors into the infrastructure which equated to almost 12% of the country’s GDP in 2012. However as of recently, and  fresh activity has been stalled. Vinayak Chatterjee is consultant at one of India’s largest consulting firms, he has compared the recent economy to a boa constrictor, very hungry and fast at first, but once its had its meal it slows down and sits idle for a very long time. That comparison is made because of the fact that after building a brand new pipeline, the value of that pipeline dropped 52% within one year. As far as anyone can see there is only one solution, to reduce the ricks projects face by removing red tape as well as any and all political affairs. This would help with cutting the cost of capital which in turn would see more cash from abroad coming into the country, creating one of the great investment opportunities of the century.

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