Sunday, January 27, 2013

General Motors: Now It's Time to Step on the Gas

This article is discussing how General Motors is getting out of it's financial problems and heading towards steady profit and success. After years as a basket-case, pilloried as “Government Motors”, GM is back in profit, stepping up its output and creating jobs again. Investment banks are beginning to believe that half of GM's entire sales volume will be replaced. GM has been graded as "junk" by credit rating agencies but believe that this year that will change to "investment grade." The problem they have been facing is that their American home market shares have been slipping but, it's worldwide sales have increased dramatically. GM is also well ahead of Ford and Chrysler, its Detroit-based rivals, in the Chinese market, now the world’s biggest, where GM is profiting from its booming joint ventures with local makers. GM is heading into the right direction and I believe it's time to start buying stock in GM before the price is to high.

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