Sunday, January 27, 2013

Foreigners not welcome

This article mentions how the existing system for international students who study in US harms the economy. According to the article, foreign students who graduate from US universities are forced to return home. Similarly, tech workers whose temporary work permits expire are also in many cases forced to return home. This system harms the economy of US as foreign students added around $21 Billion to the US economy last year. Similarly, foreigners who study in US on average generate 2.5 jobs for American citizens thanks to their innovation, research and development work.
President Obama has taken note of this and wishes to change the existing scenario. He mentioned the same in a recent speech.


  1. I find this hard to believe to be a serious problem. Ultimately as Americans we have a fear now of foreigners coming into the United States for school and taking our jobs. This article points out that they actually help the economy, but actually only a certain field, research. By having foreigners take part i research experiments they help the chance of getting a federal grant from either our government or their own. So are they really harming our jobs if they return to their homeland? Not as much as this article leads you to believe.

  2. International students that come and get a high degree in the U.S. do not harm our economy. They have helped improve our country and have created tons of jobs not only for us but around the world. President Obama wants them to stay because "as of 2010, these immigrant-founded companies generated $1.7 trillion in annual revenue and employed 3.6 million workers worldwide." So why do we not want not all the talent we can get to stay here to start businesses. (Obama)
