Sunday, January 27, 2013

Concerns about the EU wane once more

Despite continuous fears about the European Union and it's economy, the factors indicate that a slow recovery in on the way. This is just one of the examples of such factors indicating an improving economic situation. This revelation by the European Central Bank led to a 10 month high of the Euro against the dollar and although this strengthening is based solely on this news, it predicts better times to come. This decision might also be a critical factor in the ongoing debate in England about its participation in the Eurozone. With its prime minister David Cameron calling for a vote to decide whether England would leave the European Union, this new economic report might detract his supporters from casting a vote in his favor.

1 comment:

  1. The debate as to whether England should leave the EU is fairly controversial and as you've said, these new findings, regarding the EU and its economy, suggest that it would be a mistake for England to do so. However the argument for allowing this to happen is as follows: Eurosceptics have suggested to Britain, the idea of becoming like Hong Kong. Minimal protections in the workplace; the chance to develop as a tax haven; to become Europe's economic and political renegade, solely based on the assumption that the EU will be perfectly happy to accept unfair and unregulated competition. But how realistic is that?
