Friday, October 29, 2010

Poll: Americans Don't Know Economy Expanded With Tax Cuts

In a national poll conducted by Bloomberg, most Americans do not know the recent marginal economic expansion over the last four quarters is due to middle class tax cuts by President Obama. In fact, according to the poll many Americans who's taxes were lowered under Obama's plan, think that they are actually experiencing a tax increase.


  1. With false advertising and questionable actions by politicians, it is difficult for many people to really understand exactly what takes place in the US economy. Unless someone is relatively well educated in these fields, or makes a great effort to find the truth when it comes to politics, he or she won't be well informed or will be confused because of the conflicts in what is written or said.

  2. I think this lack of knowledge shows the influence that media plays in peoples personal opinions and actions relating to the economy. American's perceptives on tax rate will effect there spending habits, so it is important that polices changes are properly reported so that there true economic effect can be had.
