Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The lesson for China: Power means responsibility

China has always manipulated its currency for economic gain and has always had a strong focus on 'hard work' to eventually make itself a major powerful, prestigious economic state. And now that it has finally achieved its goal, the world is looking for a better behavior from Beijing. However, Chinese leadership does not seem to be playing by the rules because it is using its financial growth and economic muscle to further its political gains. Although the WTO (of which China is a member) does not allow its members to use economic power for political means, it did not stop China from threatening to stop flow of rare earth minerals to Japan unless they released the fishing boat captain.
In my opinion, the Chinese seem to be focusing on gaining political power through economic strength and have managed to do so. This has always been their focus but now that they are one of the pillars of the global economy, the world expects them to start playing by the rules.

1 comment:

  1. China is becoming, or may already be, a superpower. It is concerning that this is the case and they handle business unprofessionally
