Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Higher Taxes Will Impact Your Small Business

Beginning in January, small businesses will be facing higher taxes. This along with government mandated healthcare will make the struggle to survive as a business harder. Also, the IRS is implementing new policies in order to better watch small businesses to ensure income does not go unreported. A small business owner commented that the government shouldn't be concerned with creating jobs but with creating an economic situation in which businesses can create more jobs.
I agree that the government should be more concerned with repairing the economic situation but I do not agree that nothing is being done correctly.

1 comment:

  1. Small businesses up a large portion of the economy. I fail to see why the FED wants to inject money into the system and stimulate growth and on the other hand they are allowing more taxes to be imposed on one of the largest sectors of the economy. If you truly need a stimulus, it has to be done through a coherent tax policy, not one where some things lead towards regrowth and somethings depress the economy even further.
