Sunday, October 24, 2010

Florida rivals debate taxes and economy

The senate race in Florida is getting heated as Gov. Charlie Crist, running as an independent, Rep. Kendrick Meek, the Democratic Senate candidate, and Republican candidate Marco Rubio battle for the Senate seat.

On CNN’S State of the Union, host Candy Crowley discussed Florida’s High unemployment rate (11.9 percent, the fourth highest in the country), the foreclosure rate (second highest in the country), and health insurance (only 21 percent of Floridians have it).

Meek is against extending Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy while both Crist and Rubio believe tax cuts for everyone is the answer.

We know from class that tax cuts may get you votes but they aren’t going to improve the economy. Raising taxes and reducing government spending will increase national savings which will help our economy move closer to the Golden Rule steady state in the long run. While we may not want to hear it, American’s need to save more and the government needs to spend less. I think Meek is right in pushing for more taxes on the wealthy. However, the wealthy are a tough group to collect taxes from so he may have to get creative to meet this goal.

1 comment:

  1. I sgree that many candidates across the country propose tax cuts as a strategy to win office. Perhaps, voters need to be better educated in order to recognize politicians who are primarily concerned with winning their elections and earning salaries, rather than improving the economy. Because, after all, at the end of the day these candidates are like the millions of Americans who are currently "fighting" for employment, doing what ever is necessary to avoid becoming part of that 9.6%.
