Monday, October 25, 2010

Hiring Picture gets a Little Brighter

This article discusses the increased profitability and demand of businesses in the U.S. leading to an optimistic outlook on future employment. The hiring expectations for the upcoming 6 months has risen to its greatest level since 2006. These positive aspects do give us an optimistic outlook dealing with future employment, but the recovery is not expected to be a fast one. NABE economists have forecasted that by the end of 2011 the unemployment rate will be 9.2%. This shows how slow they believe the recovery will be. That number is only down .5% from their prediction of the unemployment rate at the end of 2010, which is 9.7%. In addition, 9.2% is not even close to the figure desired for the unemployment rate. The article concludes that their are expecations of Ben Bernanke announcing the purchase of more Treasurys in next month's announcement on additional stimulus measures.

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