Sunday, April 27, 2014

Reusable rockets in development

Since the beginning of space traveling, the rockets were just disposables: They could only be used for a single blast. Then they are dropped down to the ocean from mid air after they are burnt up. This was one of the reasons why space project budget was so high. The only reusable rocket was built in the United States, yet the shuttle was sabotaged and resulted in the deaths of two crew members, which just augmented the cost even more.
SpaceX has been developing the rockets to make it reusable. Their theory is that, after shooting, instead of just dropping to the ocean, it will land rather softly by deploying its legs. They are even thinking of hovering technology for the rocket. The success in this project might play a major role in reduction of the mammoth quantity of expenditure in space traveling in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. This could be a huge for the world. If we are able to diminish the massive cost, we can double the amount of trips to space and also obtain much more info.
