Sunday, April 27, 2014

APR accuses Glaucus of manipulation

Glaucus Research Group of the California LLC was recently accused of allegedly manipulating share prices by Asia Plastic Recycling Holding Ltd. APR, a company that creates ethylene-vinyl acetate foam from recycled plastic, claimed that their stock plummeted after GRG made a statement saying that APR's share prices should be zero. APR retorted by saying that gossiping in order to intentionally influence securities currently being traded in Taiwan causes a violation of Article 155 of the Securities and Exchange Act.  After GRG's statement, the APR stock price plummeted over the daily maximum limit in two consecutive sessions before it closed.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the long run for APR's shares considering they are the only company in China to be able to transform plastic waste into ethylene-vinyl acetate foam (or rubber foam products).

1 comment:

  1. When there is an incentive to cheat statistics show that there will always be cheaters. - #Freakonomics
