Monday, April 28, 2014

Fertility Rates Drop Universally

Bye-Bye, Baby

Nearly half of the world's population lives in nations where women give birth to less than 2.1 babies on average, which is the number of children necessary to replace both parents over their lifetime. The decline in fertility and marriage rates are associated with higher levels of education and occupational achievement. As the number of children in a nation declines, there are more educational resources per child, increasing the overall education level of the nation. Also, countries with lower fertility rates tend to see higher productivity compared to societies with higher fertility rates. Middle-aged workers with experience have far greater productivity than children. Low fertility causes young adults to no longer be in surplus relative to the labor market demand so their economic value to employers increases.

These low fertility rates can also have a negative affect on the nation's economy. National leaders will have to decide whether the early retirement ages and high payout rates of their pension systems, created years ago under very different economic and demographic circumstances, can be sustained in the long run.


  1. Bill gates posted this on Twitter yesterda, "Did you know the world’s population is growing at half the rate it was 40 years ago?". Very relavent and interesting article.

  2. Governments should have better rewards for child birth like North European countries than now...

  3. Could this eventually lead to making abortions legally around the world?

  4. This article clearlly followe the solo model. Statistically speaking the birth rate of dvelopped country tend to decrease, meaning as nation develop, people do not have to birth child. My imprression is that solo model does work. Population growth negatively affect the economic. However, decreasing the birth rate means the percentage of older people increase. This also negatively affect the economy. So I think each nation have to find how much poplulation is the best.
