Sunday, April 27, 2014

Many low-wage workers not protected by minimum wage

President Obama and the federal government is seeking to raise the minimum wage by $10.10 an hour. Not every worker in the united states is forced to be payed the minumum wage under a complex set of rules. People such as disabled workers, those who work for very small businesses, teenage trainees, tipped workers, home care aides and some agricultural workers are all examples of these people. These people will now be protected under the new law that President Obama is seeking to pass making it easier to live on a small paycheck.

1 comment:

  1. I get paid well below the minimum wage at $8 an hour working for the school. I completely understand the disappointment people see that this law is not constituted throughout its entirety. It makes no sense that our president can impose a minimum wage law but it will never be enforced throughout the American workforce. People will continue to get paid under the table or even worse be forced to take on a temporary position. This not only doesn't allow you to obtain benefits from your employer, it also doesn't allow the worker to make enough money for comfortable living. This is not right especially when disabled workers are not able to receive health insurance solely because they are a temporary worker. This troubling matter will continue to bring about controversy until the law is enforced on every single employer in the United States.
