Sunday, April 27, 2014

"Obamacare: One more reason to quit your job"

According to the Congressional Budget Office in February workers will clock in 1.5% - 2% fewer hours from 2017 to 2024, this is equal to about 2 million jobs. The Congressional Budget office estimated based on health reform. Workers putting in less hours is not due to the fact that companies are forcing employees out but rather that employees are opting to work less. People that are choosing to work less will earn less but qualify for a larger subsidy. Since start ups and part-time workers are guaranteed individual coverage some may take jobs without benefits. Costs such as $362 a month for single coverage are encouraging  40-54 year old to exit earlier.

Obamacare: One more reason to quit your job


  1. The Obama administration is in reckless neglect for the law they just passed.
    Rather than fix to the law, Obama has decided to ignore it and not enforce it.

    The man in charge with leading the executive branch of government has a complete contempt for the rule of law if it's inconvenient for him. Terrible leader.

  2. The Affordable Care Act is such a controversial topic. I understand the detractions of it, but at the same time, it seems silly for me that people can argue against steps taken towards universal healthcare. The pharmaceutical and medical industries in this country rip-off the ordinary man on a daily basis. It's just one huge racket.

  3. We have already started to see some of the harmful affects that are going to come out of ObamaCare. The lack of accountability amongst the administration is a shame. I understand the good intentions but so far it has been a complete disaster and many say that the worst is yet to come.
