Monday, April 28, 2014

"Half of all Jobs will be automated in 20 years"

A recent article in the Economist cites that half of all jobs around the world will be automated. Their analysis of technology in the job market and prediction for the future is  extremely bleak. Around the world, many large sophisticated economies already have large unemployment numbers but automated jobs in the future will most certainly make unemployment rise. So what does it take to safeguard yourself to losing your job to a robot. Creativity and good social skills are very key. The introduction of robots have already taken jobs in manufacturing from low-skill workers. Twenty years from now robots will be more advanced and be able to carry out almost all low-skill labor. Another survey shows just how much the modern worker's job has changed. 72% of British workers believe that they can now work more efficiently from home. As of now, it remains unclear exactly what will happen in the jobs market and to wealth inequality 20 years from now, but it seems very clear that having a college degree, especially from a liberal arts school, is a huge asset to have in the jobs market of the future.


  1. The market will naturally take care of this. Yes, many jobs will be automated but that does not mean that there will not be other jobs in other fields / industries... this is job displacement not necessarily unemployment.

  2. New technology can create new job and new field, but is also decrease total job at the same time. I am always concern if the goverment have to regulate to use the machine or not. I understand the techonology, α, keep productivity increse, so evetrybody wants to the technology. However, taking the long view, I think that we have to regulate using the machine for people.
