Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cities where home prices are hitting new highs

This article talks about five cities where the housing market is hitting new highs.  Going through what is making those cities hit those knew highs.  With the economic downturn recently, and the housing being one of the biggest things that led to that, do you think that this housing market increase will lead to other cities being more confident in the housing or start getting back to was it before the recession?


  1. I would hope that this rise in housing prices shows consumer confidence in the housing market. I feel as though people are not returning to how they were before the recession and that these increasing housing prices are more of a result of the economy recovering.

  2. All but one of those cities was in the west. Also I many of the cities are attracting young talented workers. Especially the area of San Jose with the Silicon Valley. Dallas, Houston, and Denver have been attracting young workers and keeping the cities lively. With the influx of young people more money is usually flowing around. They are have the money and the energy to go out and spend it. Places that continue to attract young people are going to continue to do well.
