Sunday, February 3, 2013

US Jobs, Sterling and Europe.

Here's the Article.

This article gives a summary of the latest economic headlines concerning the United States and some European countries as well. There were 150,000 jobs added to the US however the unemployment rose by 0.1% to 7.9% because there was an increase in the number of people looking for work. There is a mention of a fall in output in the US during the last quarter of 2012. The Pound fell against the Euro for the first time in fifteen months showing a not-so-great start to the year for sterling. However, the Euro has a promising future since Europe's central bank has promised to do whatever takes to save the currency. Manufacturers in the region had had their best month in almost a year which helps the Euro. Purchasing has increased in Europe however there is worry in France because their products are not doing well abroad and there is very low demand domestically at the moment. 

1 comment:

  1. At this point in time, any contraction, even if at other times it may have been natural, will cause a panic attack and sound alarm bells for potential investors. Having all consumers in an economy operating out of wariness and fear is doing nothing for anyone's confidence in any market. Yes, it is important to look at things logically and deduce if there are risks. However, if France's factories are falling behind a little, maybe that's just a sign that they should diversify more and appeal to a broader base. It doesn't mean that their entire economy is on the verge of collapse.
