Saturday, February 9, 2013

Apple making plans for the future

Apple has recently chosen to buy back some of it's share. Many are wondering what the company is doing with its large some of money because they racked up $23 billion in operating cash flow. I believe that Tim Cook is trying to get the company back to its innovative ways to supply the world with technologically advance products. By doing this he is hoping for apple to excel to be the most recognized companies for its creativity instead of having competitors that such as the ones they have now and have to share the the "Top Spot" for technology right now. This is risky but some believe that this is what Steve Job's would've done and look where he got the company.


  1. I agree, this is a very interesting strategy for Apple. As a consumer, I have always thought of Apple as cutting edge and innovative far beyond competition. However, in the past year, similar products are hitting the market from different companies and it is clear that trying to switch it up and try something new would be a great move for the brand. Steve Jobs was extremely successful and it is important to the legacy of Apple that the firm remains a leader in the advancement of technology.

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  3. Without Steve Jobs apple is still apple. The people that are working there that were hired by Steve Jobs had were not hired because they are mediocre workers. They most likely stand out from their competition so what Apple is doing now it was a decision made by intelligent people. Without risk then were would anybody that have made it big in this world be at.
