Monday, February 4, 2013

10 Things You'll pay more for in 2013

An interesting series of picture mini-articles telling us that which we already know: prices increase from year to year!
In all seriousness, the interesting points of this article were the examples of product groups focused on. Basic things, such as meat and milk, are going up in price because of a rise in the price of animal feed. Additionally, the article addresses technology such as cable (which has become commonplace for many Americans) and smartphones (T-Mobile eliminating its subsidies for the product) as well as post and other things that we don't think about having an effect on overall consumption or that we simply take for granted as being in a "normal" range. It will be interesting to see if people start stockpiling dried meat and milk in alarm from this article. But I think not.


  1. That is an interesting point that you´ve made. One could think that as a result of a more mechanized agricultural industry the country could produce more animal feed at a lower cost and more efficiently, which would bring prices of food down. Apparently we are doing something wrong to get the opposite effect that you mentioned.

  2. I agree to your point. One would think that with increased industrialization, prices would lower over time with efficiency and a cost increase would not be an issue. I don't know if we are necessarily doing anything wrong, but I think this may actually be tied to overconsumption and not rationing over time. Meat and milk products can not be manufactured like other items, therefore the rise in price may actually be a warning that we need to cut back and ration for the future.

  3. It is definitely interesting to see how despite such a high level of technology and efficiency, prices rise. This could be a testament to the changes in inflation figures and what direction the overall price level is headed towards in 2013. I remember the Federal reserve having a goal inflation rate of 2% recently and it makes one reflect on how this will work in their favor or not.
