Friday, February 8, 2013

Europe lower budget for the next 7 years

After intensive meetings that lasted over 24 hours, Europeans leaders came into the common ground as they agreed to lower the EU common budget for the next seven years. The new budget totals 960 billions euros and the efforts required for this meeting to reach such a cooperation are enormous. Resolving the conflict between national priorities and regional common welfare has always been a headache in any European Union's meeting. National leaders are so stuck with their own countries' interests which make every effort to overcome the crisis in Europe much harder to realized. Even though during this meeting they finally reached an agreement, it is safe to say they are hardly satisfied with the outcome but they have to accepted, proved by some of their's talks after the meeting.

In my opinion, though it's natural for leaders to prioritize their country's benefit, their cooperation to help the whole EU to get through such difficult time and regain the old values of the Euro would make everyone better off. The budget was just a start, and being obstinate to their countries' interests will just make negotiation harder and more stressful to carry out. Being accepting doesn't help that much, but being cooperative would be a huge improvement.

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