Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Economics

Once a year when the Super Bowl comes around, companies and die-hard fans will pump lots of money into the economy. Companies alone spend millions upon millions of dollars to be a sponsor of this momentous event. The die-hard fans that frequent the event spend a lot of money too at local businesses and on merchandise. This article shows just how much people spend for this annual ritual and how beneficial it can be the economy. Imagine if we had two or three Super Bowls.


  1. I would be very interested in seeing the consumer trends in spending during the super bowl weekend. I would imagine beer and food would be the top sellers, but by how much do they increase? What are some other products that sell more during that weekend as well?

  2. I agree, it would be interesting to see what portion of consumption in GDP is accounted for during the Super Bowl weekend. However, I don't think it impacts the economy that heavily. I think what has a bigger impact than just the weekend is the advertisements during the Super Bowl. Think about it, they set the stage for some big purchases, like cars, which typically are not bought as often as a bag of Doritos or a case of Bud Light.

  3. I agree with both sides. I can see the commercials being put to work because they influence the increase in spending after the game. But don't forget, there are also some bigger things being bought before the Superbowl, not cars, but couches, big screen TVs and so forth. On top of this there is wings, chips, and beer which I'm sure also sky rocket in sales. This must appear as a holiday for Buffalo Wild Wings, and maybe even some furniture and electronic stores.
