Thursday, February 7, 2013

Unemployment Aid Applicants

This article informs about the decline in applicants for unemployment aid across America. This list five states with the biggest decrease in applicants, Ohio is one of them. Ohio's applicant rate decrease 2,588 due to fewer layoffs in manufacturing. On the surface, this appears to be good, in the sense that less people are unemployed and less people are applying for aid. Manufacturers could be laying off less people causing not as many unemployed people applying. But this could also not be good for many reasons. This could be due to discouraged workers are just not applying for any aid. As well as people could have been rejected from applying previously. There could be many factors contributing to why the number of applicants declined, some of which could be good and some could be bad. But the main question is, how many people are getting hired from being unemployed.


  1. I agree with that, even though it may seem to be good news that there is less unemployment applicants, doesn't mean it is. Part of the rason why there are less applicant might also be because companies are offering severance packages for laid-off employees that have been with the company for a certain time, so they don't automatically go on unemployment.

  2. Also it would be interesting to know that if the decrease in unemployment applications is correlated with less layoffs in the manufacturing industry what if there are more individuals being laid off from high paying salary jobs whom do not necessarily fill out these applications, as Mike mentioned above benefits such as severance packages can deter this but also the possibility and hope that they will find another job soon or have a spouse who can provide for their family in the meantime.

  3. I agree with the fact it may seem from the outside as a positive that the numbers are decreasing but as previously stated it doesn't give the full picture. I feel one of the biggest reasons is people are less confident in applying for aid and I agree with Matthew about the other spouse providing for the family as I have seen first hand some of the parents of my friends being laid off but fortunately the other parent had a good enough job to help support the rest of the family.
