Thursday, February 7, 2013

Emergency Economics in Washington

The author of this article expresses the opinion that for the past 6 years in the US, ever since the recession, the Government has been dealing with crisis situations consistently. So much so, that these days almost all policies are reactive (to a crisis) rather than proactive, with a purpose. The reason for this could be the uncertainty of the economic and financial conditions for the past couple of years. However, that does not mean that the people in power should only follow reactive policies and  not proactive ones.

Some laws, such as immigration reforms, affordable care act, etc. are policies which can affect economic conditions strongly. They are not a response to crisis. Contrast these with Dodd-Frank reforms. Dodd-Frank was an emergency response to the financial crisis. However, 5-6 years have passed since the recession hit the US and it is high time that the Government get out of the crisis/emergency situation mentality. It is  proactive politics rather than crisis management that is the need of the hour.

1 comment:

  1. I agree to the fact that government should make proactively political policies or else speculations about gloomy future might hit the economy adversely.
