Sunday, April 13, 2014

N. Korea blasts reunification offer as 'psychopath's daydream'

South Korea's first female president, Park Geun-Hye, has recently announced a proposal to instigate unification between the the North and the South. She made her announcement on Saturday in Germany and even mentioned using Germany as her ideal economic model.  Her step by step plan includes expanding the reunion of separated families, increasing cross-border economic exchanges, increasing cross-border cultural exchanges, and finally allow the South to provide humanitarian aid to the North.
However, North Korea's response to the South's president was slightly insulting. Pyongyang said that the South's idea to begin laying the groundwork for reunification was the "daydream of a psychopath."
Although this response seems a bit salty, it is not surprising to me whatsoever. The North has no intention of reunification and it has been clear from the start.;_ylt=A0LEV1nvOEtTfyMA9IZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0ZWo3dXFsBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDMzM18x


  1. This is an absolutely wonderful idea. Reunification based on the German model is doable. The first promise the South needs to make is that they will feed everyone the very first day. This is an idea who's time has come. The South needs to proceed with all of their plans and put everything into place so that this transition will be smooth.

  2. Yes it is a wonderful idea but there is no way in hell that this process can ever be established. Thanks to North Korea's rich history of acting like barbarians, it is obvious that the government has no intentions of letting go of their power. The lack of noticeable riots or rebellions against the government just goes to show how paranoid the government is of losing it's political reigns on its people.

  3. I agree that Reunification between the North and the South is best but coming to an agreement will take time. The South needs to lead the movement by demonstrating peace and prosperity through their new German model. This way the North is able to see the impact of an economic change and possibly follow in the South's footsteps. North and South Korea have never gotten along well but a movement that will bring these two countries closer together is defiantly recommended and could better both economies.

  4. I don't think that a reunification is possible. The differences between the countries are driven by vastly different ideologies and decades-worth of bad blood between the two. The situation somewhat (thought not entirely) reminds me of the India-Pakistan situation. I think reunification is but an attractive pipe-dream.
