Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report 2013"

This article is from the National Shooting Sports Foundation website. The article shows the impact that the firearm business has on this countries economy.  As the current presidential office continues to battle with the 2nd Amendment, a fear drives gun owners to purchase merchandise before it is deemed illegal.   In 2013 the firearm industry was responsible for $37.7billion in total economic activity.  As the battle between both sides of the gun rights issue continues, these numbers will continue to increase due to the fear that this industry could soon come to an unconstitutional halt.

Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report 2013


  1. If it does become illegal, I would wonder how much it would affect people who currently own guns. Would it establish harsher laws? Also I am curious to know how much it would affect the economy if there was a law made abolishing firearm sales.

  2. Gun owners love their guns like motorcyclists love their bikes. I am fascinated to know how the number of gun sales has increased since there has been a spike in support for stricter gun control laws.

  3. Despite the economic activity that the gun industry might generate, it is always important to keep in mind the human effects of such goods. Increased crime rates are always a concern and figure on the HDI as well. Guns are more than a demerit good and sometimes I think many people forget this in their pursuit of the right to bear arms.

  4. Without discussing the topic of gun control itself. The economics behind saying that something is not going to be there forever is very interesting. I'm going to make the comparison of gun control to any limited time offer from businesses... gotta get in quick before the offer expires..

  5. This is a very interesting article. I think the major question here is with gun control, wouldn't the sale of guns just be taken to the black market? Making it illegal to drink alcohol in the United States didn't work so well either. I think it would affect the economy, but if we could track the black market sales, maybe it wouldn't affect it as much is we think.
