Sunday, April 13, 2014

Health reform: Medicare, the opera

This article talks about how this past month has been a good month for Obama care, in that about 7 million Americans have signed up for various healthcare plans. It also discusses how because of this, the country has it's lowest rate of uninsured individuals.

The article continues on to discuss that this may not be a good thing for democratic political elections. Many elderly Americans are on Medicare, and they can still vote. But, Obamacare cuts Medicare spending, meaning that the elderly are getting less coverage. It continues on to talk about how both democrats and republicans believe that Medicare spending should be cut some, but the republicans will not mention this in their platform because the Medicare citizens are more likely to vote against Medicare cuts.

1 comment:

  1. This article just serves to prove how easy it is for politicians to talk but when implementing an idea that has been in discussion is something completely different. Both parties accept the fact that Medicare needs to be controlled. However, it becomes an issue when neither side can agree on what needs to be cut. Overall, it is extremely risky to cut any part of Medicare. Any kind of cut is sure to cause an uprising among the people who this will affect and also those who are very involved in the polls.
