Sunday, April 13, 2014

Stay-at-home moms on the rise

The amount of stay-at-home moms has been steadily on the rise over the past 15 years, which comes as a surprise to many.  Today, 29% of mothers in America stay at home--meaning aren't included in the labor force.  It is often thought that stay-at-home moms are only able to do so due to their spouse being wealthy, but in reality over a third of these moms live under the poverty line, while 49% have a high school diploma or less.  These numbers point to the notion that there are not enough jobs in the economy, because of the fact that many of these stay-at-home mothers are not choosing to not work, but are actually unable to find work, and do not have an excessive amount of time to continue searching for a job over a long period of time--hence why they are not included in the labor force.


  1. Yes this seems to show that there are not enough jobs in the labor force. What we need to continue to remember is that there are many of these moms that are below the poverty level that were not given a chance at college and their only option is to become married and raise kids. This comes back to the equality issue in the world.

  2. I agree with Cody. It would be interesting to see if the amount of stay-at-home dads has also increased. Being a stay at home dad is much more accepted now and I wonder if many choose to stay at home with their families as well because there are no job opportunities for them.

  3. I am surprised as well. I always thought that the stay at home mom decreased because i have been hearing the stay at home dad is on the rise. I don't know if all these moms can't find a job or have a hard time leaving their kids in other peoples hands. Is it that day care cost more then many of their pay checks would be working less hour jobs?
